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A “Heavy Heart” Lead To People Having Heart Attacks At Young Ages

The phrase "heavy heart" usually refers to emotions. Psychological distress rather than a physical condition. Emotional or psychological distress alone is unlikely to cause a heart attack. Although chronic stress and anxiety. Can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease over time. Heart attacks usually occur as a result of plaque buildup in the coronary arteries. That supplies blood to the heart muscle. When plaque ruptures or a blood clot forms, it can block blood flow to the heart muscle, leading to a heart attack. While emotional distress can lead to physical symptoms. As increased heart rate and blood pressure are not the direct cause of a heart attack. There are several risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular. Disease and heart attack, including smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Diabetes, obesity, lack of physical activity, and a family history of heart disease. These risk factors are generally more sig

Math of Heart Disease And first symptom of Increases Risk


 According to the NIH, every 5 minutes, four women in America die from heart disease. This adds up to 500,000 women every year.

If you have surprised by this fact, here are some things you should know:

Women are more likely to die from heart disease after procedures. Such as stents or balloon angioplasty.

The woman had another heart attack in five years.

When women for treated for heart failure. they do not receive the same tests, preventive care, or life-saving drugs or procedures in the ER.

1 in 31 American women dies each year from breast cancer and 1 in 3 from heart disease.

Only 8% of women believe that heart disease is more common than cancer.

64% of women who die from coronary heart disease have no previous symptoms.

Heart disease is the first symptom of heart disease in 2/3 of all heart attacks

If we are feeling good, it is hard to imagine that something like silent heartache can destroy us. We exercise, eat very well, and think we can walk up the stairs without realizing we don't have heart disease.

This statistic means that 1 in 3 people only have "hypertension," or high blood pressure. Have or believe they have heart disease.

Heart disease does not happen overnight. It takes years to develop and symptoms may disappear.

According to Mimi Guarneri, founder of the Scripps Integrative Medicine Foundation. That's good news for one of life's most preventable diseases: heart disease. "

Is it easy for some passionate, passionate, health-conscious people? Yes, the rest of us.

Prevention includes lifestyle and nutrition.

To start, you need to know two numbers; your waist height and your normal 24-hour blood pressure.

Back to waist and height measurements. The ideal amount for your waist would be half the height. Anything that increases your risk.

Blood pressure is important because of high blood pressure. Can damage the heart, kidneys, arteries, and vision, and lead to a heart attack or stroke. Are you going to measure every 4-6 hours for 24 hours? Life stressors, diet, sleep or lack thereof, and other lifestyle factors can affect it. Is it very stable throughout the day? If so, what causes it to go up or down? Adjust.

There is a part of your lipid profile test. Where they measure cholesterol and most triglycerides.

It has a shown to increase the risk of many heart diseases and strokes.

A more effective number is the ratio of HDL cholesterol to triglyceride levels. Only LDL is a greater predictor of heart disease than total or total cholesterol.

If your triglycerides are 100 mg/dl and your HDL is 50, then your ratio is 2. Two or fewer. Anything above that is a warning sign. Above 5 is a call to action.

There is one factor that many medical institutions and publications have. Consider it important for heart health and survival after a heart attack.

In his book Love and Endurance: 

In the Logical Reason for the Recuperating Force of Closeness. Dr. Ornish argues that intimacy is at least as important as physical factors. prevent and reverse heart disease.

According to Dr. hearts to prevent disappointment and loss".

An open heart, a close friend or family relationship, and our community to share our safety. Each of these plays an important role in protecting the heart - muscles we can not live without.

I'll write about specific prevention strategies next week. But you can read my posts over the past few years to get an idea of ​​what to expect. Any healthy habit benefits every organ and cell in the body.

Before you go, let me ask you a question, are you aware of your risk factors? If you know you have heart disease, why do you fall into a life of medicine and therapy? Click reply and let me know. Pushing things out of your stomach is a healthy exercise.

Need a plan to keep your heart healthy, no matter what age or where you are? Your one-stop source for wellness, midlife health, stress, and making. Your significant other your best half. No, good people are waiting for you.

    For further details please visit;



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