First Step: WORK
Exercise not only helps your body look and feel great, but it also does wonders on the inside. Think of exercise as medicine for your heart: Getting up and moving every day. Can reduce your risk of heart disease, including stroke and heart attack. Is 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week too much for your schedule? Be creative! Taking the stairs, walking on your lunch break, or parking outside. Your doors are easy and practical ways to add extra steps to your day. Go and improve your heart health!
Step Two: ASSESS
Fatal. If you eat processed or fast food. The irony is that you are eating unhealthy levels of trans fats and hydrogenated fats. This is the most dangerous type of bait and, unfortunately. Is often used on the cheapest and most attractive menu items. Try to avoid these fats to keep your heart healthy. A burger from Golden Arch might seem like a good idea now, but your heart doesn't think so. Also, try to reduce the amount of saturated fat you drink. which is a little harder than trans fat. For a healthy heart, make some changes to your diet and focus on reducing the saturated. Fat is found in meat, poultry, and full-fat dairy products.
Consider adding Meatless Mondays to your week. Or eating smaller portions of meat and larger portions of vegetables. As for full-fat dairy products. Try switching to low-fat or fat-free varieties like yoghurt, cheese, or cream. And change your milk intake little by little. If you use half and half, try switching to 2%, then 1% to your milk, and finally, skip it.
Step Three: Watch the Episode
As you cut down on trans fats and hydrogenated fats. You can increase your intake of healthy unsaturated fats like peas, canola, or olives. While these fats are good for your heart and body, too much of a good thing is bad. Track how much you use and note the calories in each serving by measuring instead of drops. Like heart-healthy fats, nuts are a healthy food, but they can be loaded with calories. For example, almonds are a good substitute for less healthy foods. But eating too much can have negative effects. 6 almonds have 50 calories and 800 calories in one cup! See how much of the good stuff you eat and remember.
Step Four: IEST GOOD Function of Food
Foods that serve a purpose other than filling your body are functioning. For heart health, this includes high-fibre foods. Soy and soy protein, and omega-3-rich foods. High-fibre foods not only keep your digestive system happy. But also help you trim your waistline and lower your cholesterol levels. Foods that are rich in omega-3s increase HDL cholesterol levels. While soy and soy protein help keep cholesterol levels balanced. Examples of functional foods include salmon and other cold-water fish. Nuts and legumes, fruits, vegetables, soy milk, edamame, and whole grains. Be careful when buying foods that are considered high in fat and read the labels. While oatmeal is a healthy food for many reasons, it's not as effective as a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal. Check the juice and read your notes.
Step Five: Stop shaking the salt
Your body needs 500 milligrams of salt to function each day. About a third of a spoon. How much do you add to your breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Not to mention how much is in processed, packaged, prepared, or canned foods. It's important to control your sodium intake because too much. It can make your heart work harder and cause high blood pressure. One tablespoon of salt contains 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Which is the recommended daily intake. Do you go out a lot? you don't read the article and see how much you shake your food. For heart health, watch what you put in your body and prepare meals at home whenever possible to stay in control.
If you want to make a change, the steps are easy to follow! Check how your heart is doing every day and make some changes here and there to support it. If you don't want to make all 5 steps a part of your life, try adding them later. By controlling your diet and being active, you can cut your waistline and develop a healthy heart. How easy is that!
Sarah Beth Watson demonstrates the importance of using common sense to treat. Herbal remedies with products created by health mom Hannah Kroeger.
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