Atherosclerosis is a disease of the heart artery wall. The lining thickens and causes the arteries to narrow, preventing blood flow. It can occur anywhere in the body, but the most sensitive and dangerous part is the heart. Brain or blood vessels leading to the brain.
This condition can cause severe damage to the kidneys, legs, and intestines. When blood flow to these areas is reduced.
Although the disorder can affect any part of the body. There are general symptoms of atherosclerosis. That helps us determine whether they have the disease. These are:
• A person can get tired. So, their productivity is reduced.
• Experiencing anoxic pain due to physical activity.
• tissue damage or scarring due to poor circulation.
• Have trouble breathing
• You have sores on your feet or legs that have never healed
• Skin discoloration, especially on the feet
• Erectile dysfunction in some cases
Also, the symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the location. Below are the conditions and associated symptoms:
Peripheral artery disease
Peripheral artery disease occurs. When the arteries in the patient's arms and legs are blocked. So, the common symptom, in this case, is leg pain. This usually affects the patient's thighs, abdomen, or calves.
Angina and peripheral artery disease are similar and both. Are caused by a decreased blood supply. But, angina causes chest pain and discomfort. Common symptoms of angina include a feeling of tightness, tightness, and heaviness. In the chest that can cause a person to collapse or pass out.
Atherosclerosis causes the walls of blood vessels to weaken. Leading to the formation of aneurysms. If it becomes too big, blood vessels will break or burst. Causing damage to internal blood vessels and organs. This can be very fatal. Symptoms begin with a sudden and severe headache, causing blindness as no one has ever seen.
A heart attack occurs when one of the plaques in the coronary artery ruptures. Causing the blood vessel to block the blood supply to the heart. Heart attack symptoms can include chest pain and extreme anxiety. And shortness of breath, headache, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath.
One blow
Unlike heart disease, stroke is caused by a disruption of blood supply to the brain. A stroke can occur when:
• A person who is suspected of having a stroke cannot smile. He may have lost his mouth or eyes.
• The suspect cannot raise or hold both hands. This is due to hand weakness or lack of sleep.
• Alleged stroke victims do not speak.
Other stroke symptoms include dizziness and difficulty with balance. And coordination, difficulty swallowing, insomnia, severe headaches, and difficulty speaking and understanding.
Despite all these symptoms. We cannot tell if a person has atherosclerosis after a heart attack or stroke. These symptoms of atherosclerosis can be a guide to managing and preventing atherosclerosis. But the main treatment for atherosclerosis is lifestyle changes.
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